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Paul Barnard
Geboren inSouth Africa
40 years
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Zoe Barnard 6 years today August 4, 2013
Dad, Its been 6 years since you have been gone. They say time heals all pain, but it can't heal the pain that comes with the loss of a loved one. I miss you so much, and have been thinking so much about you lately. Callia and I went to the grave today, and I know mom and Voulitsa wish they coud have come too. It's nice to visit, even though I can't see you, I know you are right there with me. I love you <3 
Chelsea barns hello August 4, 2013
 hi paul,
 it's me chelsea.  thinking of u lately! im doing what we talked about! im at school for film...and i still play soccer as much as i can! i miss all the friendships from the much has changed! i facebook stalk your daughters from time to time haha they are great girls! i miss them too! i wish the best for your family and love and miss you very much! 
all my love,
Zoe I miss you ❤ August 3, 2013
Dear Dad,
I was just thinking about you, and I thought I'd come on this site to write to you. It's been a while since I have wrote to you, but you are always on my mind and in my heart. I heard the Red Hot ChillI Peppers play a few days ago, and immediately made me think of you. The more I think about you, the sadder I get. It makes me sad to think about what I have lost. Dad, I hope you know that no matter how many years go by, I am always missing and thinking about you. I love you ❤
Days have passed as have years and while your memory does not and will not fade from all you touched in your time here.

Today, 13 January 2011 would have been your 44th birthday. I cannot believe that you have been gone for nearly 3 and half years. Sometimes it feels forever and other times it feels like yesterday that this tragedy entered our lives. So much has happened since you have been gone. Our oldest daughter is in her 1st year in High School already. Gosh, you would be SO proud of her. She has a little of both of us in her. Definitly your quite demeanor, and the thinker and from me her travelling spirit. Very mature for her age, but I think that has alot to do with losing the most important person in her life at the age of 11. Voulitsa is in 7th grade...first year in middle school and loving it. Still our busy and happy child. She looks SO much like you. I know you would have absolutely enjoyed her..she is always a joy to have around. Then there is Zoe our baby who is now turning 12 in a few days. She was 8 when she lost you, but remembers you so well especially the conversations that you had with her. She has often referred to herself as "little Mary" which is what you used to call her. You would have been so proud of all 3 of them...they are beautiful girls with good hearts.

We have been doing alot of travelling...every summer we leave, which has been good for us. We have been going to Greece and the girls have really connected with their family and cousins. We have also been going to South Africa in December. They Love it there and would really like to return....Sometimes I wonder maybe our lives would not have taken this turn had we never come to USA. Can't help thinking about that sometimes.

As for our friends, so much has changed there as well. Some have stayed in our lives and others have left. There is no better saying that friends are in your life for certain seasons and when that has been fulfilled  then we all move in different directions. I guess that is life. There are times when I think I'm only growing up now...just SO many challenges that we never had when we were young. I wish I could put us back to our student days..that was fun, happy days. I always remember how you were always ahead of me in studying for tests because I used to take naps in the afternoon....GOOD DAYS!!!!

I just want you to know that we ALWAYS remember you and think about you. You were such a vital role in my life that I will make sure that our girls will always remember you and cherish their memories of you!

We love you

Your wife


dad today is august 4 2010

it has been over 4 years since i have seen u but still have ur face tatooed on my heart and brain

i will never forget your face

there is a lot of pictures of u hangin on our wall of u

i miss u soo much today and i wish iwas in america to be sitting at the grave thinkin about you instead of alame computer shop

i wish we were in america this second and dont have to wait a whole week!!!

mom misses u so much she doesn't want to go out tonight cause she feels  that there is nothing to celebrate or to be happy about

we all miss u soooomuch


i am now going into 7th grade and graduated elementry schoolsooooo kool

i got an underwater camra but it broke because i dropped it only one time and callia dropped hers more but it isnt broken!!!!

i also got th3 awesomest computer ever. it is and apple but the newest smallest version and its soo coool

my other laptop we gave to yaiyai for her birthday cause mom just found out about skype and saw that u can have free calls so she wants to skype yaiyai andn it be free to njot waist money and i thought that was pretty cool.


i found a new addiction and it is club penguin. i am always on none stop with zoe and dominique. igot zoe a new account and got zoe to be an agent!!!

but she didnt say thank you at all

she is sooo ungrateful for me uhhhh!!!


well i came on to say hello and i miss u alot and love you to bits.


this summer i finished 5 books

each book in less than a week even the last song :)

i love you lots daddy


love your daughter,

P.S nothing is the same without you and not one person has forgotten the name PAUL BARNARD dont worry :)

Janet Anderson
Today is June 3rd 2010. What brought me to this site I will never know but I am here. My fondest memory of Paul (and Mary) is Cinco De Mayo 7 years ago. My first official gathering with the wonderful friends I continue to have to this day. I remember Paul as being such the hostess with the mostest. He always made sure our drinks were always filled to the rim. Our famous Strawberry Margaritas. And that night I had a few. Paul was always willing to give a helping hand weather it was putting up the soccer banner, keeping time at swim meets, or just cheering on his girls. He was always there for you no matter what needed to be done. He was always making sure that all was taken cared of. I first met Paul and Mary during our girls soccer game because I was the team mom. First I met Mary who we all know is a shorty just like me. Then when we had our first comes this tall dark and handsome fellow who spoke with a very nice accent...I'm a sucker for handsome men with accents. LOL. And come to find out he is Voulitsa's Dad. So I saw him with Mary and said wow now that is an odd size couple. LOL. But as I got to know them, they were such compliments to each other. To me they are both Saints who happen to have Saints names. And once these people come into your life, they are a God's sent. I remember having a dream about Paul and he was so young but the message that he had given to me was for my dear friend Mary. And I think has helped her in her healing as well as the rest of us. I remember Paul loving to be with friends and partying. And when I relayed the message to Mary....It was time once again to open up the Barnard Home for a gathering. Thank you Paul for using me as that messenger. I am so honored to be there for any of needs that arise. It is just so funny how things happen in life but with time it truly heals wounds. Paul you see from where you are how things have panned out in the last 3 years and I know you are looking down with very PROUD feelings of all your Barnard Beauties. You girls are such success's in their lives of friends and academics. Callia is so striving to become a successful person and is so beyond her years in thought. Voulitsa is just the sweetest passenger I have the honor to pick up in the morning and hear a song come out of her like a bird. When I look at her eyes and her smile...I see you! It's such a lovely sight to see your image in this child. Zoe is such the Mini Mary as you know. A debate of everything and anything which is a good she grows. She's so funny as she tries to manipulate the others to help her Mini Mary. She is sooo Mini Mary is all I can say. Not that it's a bad thing...LOL. I'm am so glad that she is at Tori's school and to see how many friends she has made. She's found a place of her own there and is doing well. I've been there for Mary in many ways but since you've been gone I've learned that you have had your hands full with this one from the beginning...LOL. We as her friends are trying to figure out how you did it Man. LOL. It takes 5 of us to do what you did alone. LOL. But we love her so much and are so willing to be there for her as you already know. Wow Paul, I've missed seeing you as well. I knew you but not as well as I wished I had. But I have many fond memories of you. I always thought of you and Mary as a singing group. Peter, Paul and Mary! LOL. Me an Mary often chat about you and the man you were on this earth and we think to ourselves....And that's why God wanted him as well. We just feel like we weren't done with a play date that a kid is not ready to end just yet. But we know that you are in a better place than we could ever imagine under the circumstances. Mary is doing such a wonderful job holding up the family in so many ways. She has picked herself up and moved forward with your strength that she knows you would expect from her and God's guidance. Im sure you are enjoying your life up there and looking down on your Beauties and I hope we are doing them justice as well. We miss you Paul! Please give hugs and kisses to my Mom as well up there. Thanks Buddy! Love, Janet

Hey Daddy,

Today is Valentine`s Day and I miss you so much!I remeber in 2006 when you said I can get a kitty and so I wrote it in my diary to prove it.Once I looked in my diary I saw how many memories I had with you!!!I love and miss you so much!I still really want that cat you promised me about and then I remembered on Valentine`s day mom said Bruno will eat it!I was super mad but I now remember it as my favorite Valentine`s day ever!i miss you and wish you can be here now.



                                                   Mini Mary


Tayla - August 4th 2008

Uncle Paul, I miss you so much..I was visiting your grave today after soccer and it made me so sad cause I miss you so much..

Mom and I went 3 times today we kept putting more things down for you.

I miss Mary and Zoe and Voulitsa and Callia...I cant wait till them come home.

I always remember fun things about you. You were always so nice to me. ....

Last year I had a pink streak in my hair and you asked me if my hair was bleeding, it made me laugh, I have the pink  in my hair again this summer....I wish you were here to tell me its bleeding again. it really made me laugh you are funny.


love Tayla


I have been thinking about that weekend last year, all weekend long, re-living each moment as it was last year, and I keep wishing It was last year and it turned out differently, but no matter how hard I wish it and pray it, I never changes.


I have prayed for miracles, time to turn back, magic wands, spells, I know its silly but I have tried so hard to turn back time in my own silly way And the reality is always the same.


So this morning instead of remembering all the events that happened on this day, I am going to remember all the good times we had,...everyone of them.


And with every memory I have of you Paul,  there is always a smile on your face, and the way you said my your thick afrikaans accent, no one said it quite like you , it sticks in my head.... Or the way you said "hey, how u doin?" in your American accent,  always made me laugh...  


Today I am going to remember all the good times with you. 


I miss you so much Paul...The girls Miss you, Q misses you......






It's so strange sitting here today in South Africa. Its only a year ago that we were in Campland, expecting to have a lovely weekend away with our good friends. I remember that weekend so well..even from before we left from home. I remember a call from Monte saying how he had organised some things to take down to Campland. I remember that very evening Apryl has talked about where we said our lives are planned by God. I remember the very next morning sitting having coffee with Q, talking about children and sports. I remember the conversation of looking at our life lines on our hands with Courts...when you think about it...weird conversations to be having, but we had them. A year later, our lives are so different now. All of us that were at Campland understand that in a split second life changes, and lives take different directions. To all my friends that have written on this website I want to say thank you. Through you, and your memories (happy and sad) Paul will carry on living in the eyes of my girls. They are to young to remember everything about their father 20 years from now, but they will have this website and it will give them comfort to know how loved Paul was.
Dear Dad,
This is Zoe. I really miss you.  I know you are in a better place but I wish I could see your face. You lit my heart like a shining star. You were such a remarkable friend, husband, father and son. You made me laugh over the silliest things. I still remember when you caught me all those lobsters and how we named them. I have many more memories, but I wish I had some more. I never wanted you to leave me. I wanted you to stay here holding me. You are the best dad ever and I love you so much.
Love Zoe  
Dear dad, today is 4th of August 2008. We are in South Africa for 2 months. We have 14 more days to go. Yiotta got a small dog for her birthday and it got stepped on by her horse Abra. He has a broken leg. I feel so sorry for him. I miss you so much daddy, and I miss talking to you.
I miss you alot and love you.
Your daughter Voulitsa

A year ago or so we shared some thoughts about life.  Just some guys talking about the food, our kids, family, shared coffee in the morning, and whats to come. It was a morning like many we have shared with him.  Most leave a lasting memory for all. 


It is hard to put a years thoughts of the day and since in percpective so I will it give it more time and thought and be back to you.  There are many things I wish could have done, share or said so that will stay with me like all the wonderful thoughts of Paul and the Barnards since Houston. It will be a thought provoking day. 


So I will leave you with, we miss and love you Paul!


Paul a year ago last night you and i had a conversation about God's plan for us and that you knew it was in his plan when it is our time to leave here.  I am not sure what his plan is for you but I am sure it is to do great things where you are and for Mary to do great things here. 

She amazes all of us daily as do your three beautiful girls.

We love you and miss you so much.

You and your girls are in our thoughts, hearts and prayers ALWAYS!

Love you man


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